2 Rois 2 [Références croisées TSKe]
- 2Ki 2.1, Elijah, taking his leave of Elisha, with his mantle divides Jordan;
- 2Ki 2.9, and, granting Elisha his request, is taken up by a fiery chariot into heaven;
- 2Ki 2.12, Elisha, dividing Jordan with Elijah's mantle, is acknowledged his successor;
- 2Ki 2.16, The young prophets, hardly obtaining leave to seek Elijah, cannot find him;
- 2Ki 2.19, Elisha with salt heals the unwholesome waters;
- 2Ki 2.23, Bears destroy the children that mocked Elisha.
Versets de 2 Rois 2
2R 2.1 2R 2.2 2R 2.3 2R 2.4 2R 2.5 2R 2.6 2R 2.7 2R 2.8 2R 2.9 2R 2.10 2R 2.11 2R 2.12 2R 2.13 2R 2.14 2R 2.15 2R 2.16 2R 2.17 2R 2.18 2R 2.19 2R 2.20 2R 2.21 2R 2.22 2R 2.23 2R 2.24 2R 2.25
Chapitres de 2 Rois
2R 1 2R 2 2R 3 2R 4 2R 5 2R 6 2R 7 2R 8 2R 9 2R 10 2R 11 2R 12 2R 13 2R 14 2R 15 2R 16 2R 17 2R 18 2R 19 2R 20 2R 21 2R 22 2R 23 2R 24 2R 25
Livres bibliques
Genèse Exode Lévitique Nombres Deutéronome Josué Juges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Rois 2 Rois 1 Chroniques 2 Chroniques Esdras Néhémie Esther Job Psaumes Proverbes Ecclésiaste Cantique Esaïe Jérémie Lamentations Ezéchiel Daniel Osée Joël Amos Abdias Jonas Michée Nahum Habacuc Sophonie Aggée Zacharie Malachie Matthieu Marc Luc Jean Actes Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 Corinthiens Galates Ephésiens Philippiens Colossiens 1 Thessalon. 2 Thessalon. 1 Timothée 2 Timothée Tite Philémon Hébreux Jacques 1 Pierre 2 Pierre 1 Jean 2 Jean 3 Jean Jude Apocalypse